Generating Self Declaration in One Click

This article describes the one click self declaration process


Last Update 3 jaar geleden

Since the compulsion of ASLAAS cards, if you do not have it, you have to produce self declaration duly filled with necessary details. Which is very time consuming...

Use One click self declaration feature in Agentricks RD Software and be productive.

How to generate Self Declaration?

Once you have downloaded all the prepared schedules/lots/lists you are good to generate the self declaration.

Make sure you are in Submit to PO screen.

Among all the tabs in this screen, click on History tab.

Search for the lots submitted between the date range.

Select the loaded lot from left hand side table, you will see all the accounts in it.

Now click on Print Self Declaration Button at the bottom right corner of the screen.

The self declaration is read to print within a second or two.


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