Agentricks for Business

Assisting Service Providers can use Agentricks to help Agents in preparing lots.


Last Update לפני 4 שנים

Agentricks is very user friendly when an Agent uses to prepare lots. But if you are an Agent and do not have enough resources to do your own work and you just get done from third parties, you can still get benefited with Agentricks. Your Assisting Service Provider can use Agentricks to prepare lots for you conveniently. 

To get started with using Agentricks for Business, Assisting Service Providers need to first Register using one of  the Agents they are serving. By default 10 days Trial period gets activated for selected DOP ID. What You need to do is, just setup this Agency in Agentricks using Getting Started Wizard. Once you are setup, you can evaluate Agentricks or simply move to adding additional DOP IDs. In order to buy the subscription, you need to use "Buy/Renew" button at bottom side of Agentricks Login Screen. Depending on number of participants you are paying for, Agents Limit will be allotted and subscription will be activated as soon as payment is confirmed.

Switching in between Agencies (DOP IDs)

For every Agent's DOP ID, you need to configure Initial Setup Wizard Separately. You can hot-switch between Agencies using with just a click. No restart is required.

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