Send Account Status message via WhatsApp

This article explains how to send a whatsapp message to account holder regarding their RD account status in Agentricks RD Software


Last Update 3 jaar geleden

Many times RD account holders make complaint that they are not getting any message about the monthly deposits you had done. Further it becomes difficult to check the balance and then send them the details.

Team Agentricks have taken this issue into consideration and enabled a feature to send WhatsApp message about account holder's account status from Agentricks RD Software itself.

System Requirement: 

Windows 8.1 onwards

Official WhatsApp Desktop installed on your system. (Windows only)

WA Message Template

In settings, you will find WA Message Template feature. Click on that.

Inside the Template name field, write Template Name of the message template and from drop down select purpose. Currently, Account Status. When you select purpose, you will get the usable parameters in left side list. Now start to type in your message freely, when ever you need a particular parameter from left side list, just right click on the list entry and select "Use in Template". 

When drafted the message template accurately, kindly click on save button.

You will see new entry in Template and purpose table.

Select the entry and right click on it. And select "Set as Default". 

Congratulations!!! You have created a message template that is ready to use for sending message to customer.

How to send message?

Now, the template is ready, and is a good time to send account status to a customer.

Now move to Manage Accounts from left navigation menu.

Click on Account Lookup button.

Search for customer name, from search result, select an entry.

1. Assign a whatsapp number to RD Account (one time task)

Since, you have not saved customer's whatsapp number in Agentricks, right click on desired entry and click on Show Details. Enter 12 digit mobile number including country code and save it.

2. Send message

Now again select the desired account of which mobile number is just updated.

Right click and select WhatsApp Balance Details

Agentricks will launch the WhatsApp Desktop with message populated in message box. Click on send button to finish sending message. 

Damn Simple!!! Isn't it?

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